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    [地名] [阿根廷、巴拿马、美国] 特林切拉;

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    Unobserved Heterogeneity in Structural Equation Models: a new approach to latent class detection in PLS Path Modeling
    System and method for rapid place- ment of chest tubes
    PLS Path Modeling: From Foundations to Recent Developments and Open Issues for Model Assessment and Improvement
    Topography of glycosyltransferases involved in the initial glycosylations of gangliosides.
    Humic substances along the profile of two Typic Haploxerert
    A part of glucosylceramide formed from exogenous lactosylceramide is not degraded to ceramide but re-cycled and glycosylated in the ...
    Two glycosphingolipid sialyltransferases are localized in different sub-Golgi compartments in rat liver
    REBUS-PLS: A response-based procedure for detecting unit segments in PLS path modelling
    Incorporation and metabolism of exogenous GM1 ganglioside in rat liver
    Significant correlation between a set of genetic polymorphisms and a functional brain network revealed by feature selection and spar...